
Kim English was born February 1957 in Omaha, Nebraska. He was raised in rural America, in a small community near Colorado Springs. In 1978 he moved to Denver and attended the Rocky Mountain School of Art. After graduation, he went on to become a faculty member, and give demonstrations and workshops throughout the region. Currently he receives inspiration traveling throughout the world, capturing images of everyday life.

Regarding his paintings, he says “Immediacy is important not only because it is often the nature of people, but for me it is the most instinctive way to paint. The process is like a performance. It’s the magic of spontaneous work combined with a candid observation of society that allows me to pursue the daily events of ordinary people as the theme of my work.”

If you want to learn how to paint the effects in oil, then this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. This outstanding teacher will demonstrate essential oil painting techniques each day. Emphasis will be on simplification of darks and lights, value and color relationship, edges, directions, and mass.

Betty is currently writing a book, Seeing the Light – a Guide for the Oil and Watercolor Painter. She is a signature member of Knickerbocker Society of Artists.

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